
This part of my blog is about a special friend of ours who was sadly taken from us this weekend, 11 April 2020. My immediate reaction was there are no words, because we are all truly devastated. However, I felt I needed to write, not to be melancholy or depressing but I wanted to say a few words: as it stands we may not get to go to a funeral to say a proper goodbye due to COVID19 and being on lockdown we can’t get together with his lovely family because of it either.

Phil Ross was a quite the character. We met him and his wife Karen and daughter Emily around 14 years ago when they moved to France. We all became friends after the girls met at school.

He was a very talented plasterer, no-one could plaster like Phil! He was so good even my other half said when we needed plastering doing he preferred Phil to do it! He enjoyed his work. He enjoyed the commerarderie with people in the bulding trade, and he worked so hard to provide for his family – all the time.

His family was his world. He did everything for his family. He had a big heart. He’d do anything to help anyone in a tight spot. If you had a job that needed doing, Phil would help you out – often swapping jobs for jobs or jobs for animals or even jobs for machinery – anything to help.

Phil enjoyed his space at their home here in France. Wherever Phil was you’d normally fnd his dog – it was Dennis in the beginning and after Dennis passed away Sascha took the lead role – wherever Phil was Sascha was. He couldn’t even go to the loo without her! He managed to get a tractor and that put him in his absolute element. He loved it, some would say more than Karen (only joking!). He’d spend ages on that tractor up and down in his field or tinkering around with it when it wouldn’t work. His face lit up if you wanted talk about farming and tractors! He loved the animals too. The sheep was something he always wanted and when we gave up our land and moved, our sheep needed a home and off they went to Phil – he’d spend ages talking to his sheep 🙂 I remember the day he came to our old house and wanted to help us catch the sheep for the shearer! To coin Karen’s phrase “Eeeeeeee!” We nearly wet ourselves laughing watching Phil and Brian trying to catch the sheep and turn them on their backs. But, Phil was determined not let them beat him and he ended up being taken for a ride by the biggest sheep – literally on its back. How we laughed that day.

Phil was a joker too – he loved a laugh and a good joke. He had an infectious laugh. He loved to wind people up and watch them go – especially Karen! ohh and how could I forget the one thing most people will remember about Phil – His Northern Soul! It was his passion! He loved to dance and every party he was at here in France, there he was doing his stuff, moving around with no effort happy as a sandboy. So many of us will remember Phil for his enthusiasm of the music and dancing….That reminds me – we introduced him to Alexa a couple of years ago one Boxing Day…he was fascinated at how it would play what you asked. Last year Karen bought him the Alexa for Christmas and now we all have the fabulous memory of Phil standing right up close to it saying “Alexa, play Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes, please, thankyou!” and him getting frustrated when it didn’t understand him!

Unfortunately Phil was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. It hit everyone really hard. But that didn’t stop him. He was forced to take time off for chemo and radiotherapy but he would get bored. He said he had to work or he’d go insane. No-one could stop him. He was a tough cookie. In short, he was the kindest, big hearted and strongest person I have had the honour of knowing. Our hearts go out to Karen, Emily and all of Phil’s family.

So, in short, thank you Phil for being a part of our lives. We cherish you and will miss you dearly.

Time Passes

Photo by noor Younis on Unsplash

Well, 2019 gone in the blink of an eye. Now it’s April 2020. The World is not quite as we know it and all of a sudden we have time on our hands that we’d somehow lost along the way before.

And so it comes to pass that I remembered my Blog. This means I can ramble in writing to help with the days and maybe help you to get away from the World for a few minutes if you’re interested?

I’m sitting here smirking at the title. I wondered what to use as a title, I was thinking of time disappearing and not getting time to write. But, as I typed, it conjured up a memory from my childhood with my brothers.

I think, if my memory serves me correctly it was Danny’s Christmas or Birthday Gift – a Commodore 64 Games Console. We thought it was brilliant, but it was 1980 something! There was one game in particular we often played. The Hobbit.

I seem to remember, it was always in a dark forest and I think the object of the game was to find your way around go through various doors.

Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

Every time we seemed to get anywhere in that game we had to wait and then a line of words would come up …Time Passess… then it felt like we would sit there for an absolute age before we could move on or do anything.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

When we did move onto the next stage, normally 9 times out of 10, after Time had passed we would get knocked out by the bulbous eyes in the sky and have to start all over again!!!! That phrase has often come up in real life situations and it’s always brought back the same memory. Thankfully games nowadays are alot more exciting and challenging!

However, my reason for the Time Passes title wasn’t down to the Game it was in reference to the fact that Time has passed since I last wrote my Blog. I enjoy writing. I haven’t made time for it and I feel I should as it has helped me in the past. And now so even more with the current situation we find ourselves in.

I know there are alot of amazing people out there that have given their time of late and continure to do so. All those that work for the NHS, all those medical and key workers all around the Globe and all those kind hearted people who are helping others that cant get out – to all of you I say thank you, as does the rest of the World – you are all amazing! To Everyone Else – Remember Stay Home, Stay Safe!

I have decided I will write more. If people choose to read it then great, I hope I make you smile or alternatively, I hope I give you the little break from whatever chaos or disruption is happening in your life right now. Like I said in the beginning it’s just a Blog about my life in France, past and present, tears and laughter included and I’d like to share it!

à bientôt !



As a child I used to love jumping into puddles with both feet – you remember that don’t you? seeing a puddle, running and SPLASH! Well, that’s what I’m doing now taking a run up and jumping in with both feet and creating a blog! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and didn’t think I’d have the courage to…..until recently when a lovely lady actually said to me “well why don’t you?”. So, here goes… a blog about my life in France, past and present, tears and laughter included.

We’ve been in the Pays de La Loire for 15 years now. That’s me, my husband Brian, daughter Amy and Mum Wendy. It’s been an adventure – it still is an adventure. We started with a mini “farm”, it wasn’t planned that way but with our love for animals, it kind of took its own path. You’ll read more about the animals along the way.

Why today? well, I don’t like procrastinators and that is exactly what I was doing. Also, I had such a bad night’s sleep my head was going around in circles about what I could write in a blog so it was there when I eventually woke up….just write it!

So, as my first post in my blog, I’d like to say thank you to the people who are in my life. There is a quote I read the other day that said ” Tomorrow is never promised, so today I am letting all my family and friends know how thankful I am that they are in my life

You all know who you are……….

I’m gonna sign off for now, I have work to do but I hope this takes off…watch this space 🙂

Day #46 of Lockdown in France

46 Days already! And what have we done here in France in those 46 days? Well, if you’re anything like me then you’ll have tried at least to be productive… start with anyway! 🙂

You know the lists, you’ll have seen them everywhere “Things to do in Lockdown”. Some of them are very beneficial: Declutter, Bake, Read, Gardening, Exercise; others feel like they are pressuring you, ie: Learn a new Skill, Learn a new language even write a book!!!

I started with the “declutter” , I thought that as the house is on the market this would be the ideal time to start as, in my own words, never had the time to sort it. Guess what? Seems like that wasn’t the reason it wasnt done, lol – yep I can see you all nodding in agreement – you know what I’m saying!

Then “baking” – No problem here, especially as my girls are laying 4 eggs a day and there’s only 3 of us in the house! Antyime I say “what can I make with all these eggs?” I offer Omelettes, Quiche, Scrambled Eggs, Poached Eggs, Egg Mayonaise but the answer is always something sweet. I’ve been making Flapjacks, Banana Bread, Ginger Biscuits, Coffee & Walnut Cake, Banoffee Pie; you have visions of a large lady now dont you with all these dessert type bakes! Actually I’ve resisted the temptation, I’ve been baking and the family have been eating 🙂

“Gardening” – yep, done that. Jet washed the steps up to the front door, jet washed the patio. Cleared away all the dead stuff off the patio. Enjoyed the sunny days on the patio with family video calls. Then tackled the lawns. Oh.My.Days! Our front lawn is on a slope and it took me several hours as the weather was glorious and I needed to take a few breaks. My Fitness Tracker was impressed with me that day, instead of the usual “time to do a torso twist you’ve been still for too long” I think it actually flashed a message saying “I dont know who you are but please return this Fitness Tracker to its rightful owner!”Come back Mr Gardener – I need you!

“Exercise” – This is work in progress. I am walking Bella & Mitzy most days. I did start the exercise bike daily and had all good intentions. The bike has stopped (it has a flat tyre) but I do have a little exercise plan in place – watch this space.

So, as you can see, I started out with all good intentions but now the motivation is dwindling – actually I’m fibbing, it’s gone.. That’s why I’m here writing today. I thought if I just babbled on my keyboard I might just push myself into something – or I may have to go back to Netflix and finish that series 🙂

I wont lie to you, it has been tough. Tough in respect of not being able to just get together with friends and family. Believe it or not, tough not to be able to go to work! I know I speak for a lot of people who can relate to the isolation issue; in “normal” life you can go and visit your Family, see your Grandkids and have a coffee with your girlfriends and put the world to rights. The mixture of emotions ranges from being extremely happy after a video call with the family to being so low, fighting with the thoughts in your head that you feel alone and not good enough. But, we should all be encouraged by the goodness of humanity and the power of human connection. I hope everyone can find an inner strength, you just have to dig that little bit deeper some days but you’ll find it – because there will be a time when this will be a distant memory and things will return to some sort of normality again – we just have to be strong and keep supporting each other the best we can.

And to that end, we need to have a little humour in our days so I will try and inject a little into your day as you read this. No doubt you have all been inundated with all the funny memes, videos, jokes etc on CoronaVirus but one of the best I have come across (and related to) was this one:

author unknown

Well, whatdya know, I did learn a new language! OK, what’s next on my daily planner………

à bientôt undefined


It’s been a while since my last blog, life got busy 🙂

However, today I felt I wanted to write as I have been thinking about the year as it closes and moves onto the next.

So although a lot has happened this year, seeing another part France, visiting Castles, having family visit us in France, getting more recognition at work, going to London and happening across Prince William and Kate (yes I kid you not, I saw them in the flesh outside the BBC!) and Amy winning in her category at a large Cow Convention..I cannot help but say my best thing about this year was May 2018 in Colorado.

It’s not been easy trying to earn a living or being away from family and holidays were limited to France or the UK; so I never in a million years thought I would have been in Colorado in May visiting my family for a wedding! We were so lucky to have made that trip….. ha ha lucky…. there’s the word – you see my family’s surname is Lucky! I haven’t seen that side of the family in 19 years! We have always been close so as you can imagine – a very emotional time. I got to see my Uncle and Aunty and my cousins’  and their families. It was my cousins son Joshua who was tying the knot with Rachel. We met up with my other Aunty from California who we hadn’t seen in decades and her two sons. My brothers and I made it to the wedding along with my husband, my nephew and my Mum.

Unfortunately, Amy couldn’t due to her taking her Finals but her time will come soon I’m sure.

The trip was too short but I am thankful and blessed to have made it and now my cousin’s daughters are coming to the UK in January AND Amy will be there too…..I’m so excited 🙂









It’s all about Family & Friends!!!! I’ve always said it and I always will… I love my family (every member of it)  and I miss them all. xoxoxoxoxo

Until 2019 – I wish you all a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year……..




Was I dreaming?

Dream : (noun) Imaginary event seen in the mind while sleeping  🙂


Amy called me the other day and said in a very resolute manner: “remind me to never have kids!” Well, I just laughed and asked why she was so adamant in her statement. She proceeded to tell me that there was a particular cow on the farm where she works that was driving her slightly insane. Now, anyone who knows Amy knows how passionate she is about her cows so it did make me giggle. Apparently, the cow just kept following Amy and every time Amy tried to talk or do something the cow was “mooing” constantly.


(Picture courtesy of Amy Marshall Photography – I love it!)

Apologies, digressing here! Whilst we were talking on the phone, the cow was making a lot of noise and every time Amy made the same noise back, it was as though the cow had to have the last word. Amy said, “I imagine this is what it’s like having kids and if it is I am sorry Mum!”  – the word Karma springs to mind 😉

Fast forward to Halloween – the first year without Amy at home,  so I lit a candle in her little Pumpkin candle holder she made last year and sent her a pic and said we missed her. We had 5 little Trick or Treaters on the door and that was it – a quiet night in front of the tv.



I duly turned in for the night around 11pm and found I couldn’t sleep, I was turning over several times – no reason in my head – just couldn’t rest. Eventually dropped off just after midnight. I was in a lovely deep sleep when I started to dream…….. it went like this:

Brian and Amy were going around the village with Trick or Treaters and a baby brown and white COW!!!! Holy cow – what on earth did I eat before bed???? It didn’t stop there! They came up to our front door and they were all talking at once including the cow and I was trying to tell them I couldn’t hear them over the noise of the cow but they weren’t listening!

Now, have you ever had a dream in which the phone was ringing and when you woke up the actual phone WAS ringing??? Well, there was no phone, just Brian snoring very deeply!


Sweet Dreams Everyone 🙂





C’est Bizarre!

C’est  Bizarre ! I have learned over the many years here in France that this is a phrase they use for most things unexplained, daft or otherwise – I have a story to tell you 🙂

Yesterday I went to visit a friend and to help her sort out some paperwork. Now, as usual, when I visit this particular friend, nothing ever goes smoothly! She won’t mind me saying it either! We have loads of stories to tell you that’ll make you laugh and shout “incroyable” but we’ll save them for another day 🙂

turned off macbook pro near a cup of coffee
Photo by Aleksandar Cvetanović on

So, there we are….Me on the telephone yabbering away in French to help sort this problem and we’re awaiting the arrival of a French Artisan to look at her heating system when a French guy turns up at the door. All smiles, She opens the door and says in French “you’re here for the heating?” “No,” he says, “I’m here to look at the car you have for sale!”


OK? I hear you ask, so what’s the problem there? Well, she hasn’t advertised her car for sale, but it has been sitting there a while and she was thinking of advertising it!  Hence, the conversation and inspection of the said car. Nothing abnormal there then I guess?

No, you’re correct in your thinking – the nice Frenchman then progressed to say how polite we were and that he was very happy to make our acquaintance. Hmm, smarmy Frenchman you’re all thinking! Was he trying to get a better price? Nope. He seemed pretty genuine. He was chatting away about how some French people take advantage of the English but that was not his intention and he complimented us on our French. He was happy with the vehicle and left his number for my friend to discuss it with her husband.

This is where it went slightly awry. My Friends friendly dog was around our feet and looked like she was paying attention to the Frenchman. He asked was there a problem with the dog because he could sense something! My friend proceeded to explain that unfortunately she has been unwell and a tumour has been discovered and she will be going to the vets for an operation. He asked if she would permit him to try something. She said, “sure go ahead”.


He didn’t touch the dog. She lay down by his feet and he held his hand over the area that my friend said a tumour was located. He said, ” the dog will start to close her eyes and after she may sleep for a bit”. My friend and I are stood on her driveway watching intently and looking at each other and saying silently to each other “what the hell??”

He sat there for around 3 minutes and then he shuddered, the dog started to close her eyes and lowered her head to the ground. We were astounded! He then threw his hands away from the dog and said he had to “cleanse” his hands but not wash them and proceeded to rub them in the grass. Said he had to discharge of the bad illness into the ground.

Now, you can imagine what we’re thinking! We’re both open to the idea of Reiki and Energy Healing as we’ve both had our experiences in the past but this was just plain bizarre!

He then said he would go and wait for my friend to call about the car. We walked into the house and just stood laughing at each other saying “What the hell just happened?”  The dog walked into the house and she normally follows my friend around and sits by us, waiting for attention and moans and chats an awful lot. This picture shows what happened next:


As I clicked she opened her eyes, but she was soundo for a good ten minutes!

C’est Bizarre!

Oh, and just for the record, the Heating Man never did show up! 🙂


Happy Birthday Bella

I was debating on two stories to share with you and then realised today is the day we took in our gorgeous Bella one year ago. So, as we’ve decided today is her birthday I’ll tell you a little bit about Bella.

A little bit of background first as to why we decided to adopt a dog from a  Rescue in France.  We lost our Lulu in 2016 to Rainbow Bridge, very suddenly due to aggressive cancer…Lulu was Mitzy’s Mum. She was such a character (as all our pets have been!)  one ear up and one ear down, but Lulu would smile at you everytime you talked to her …..21687717_10155169243044472_6343119018308293177_n

This left us heartbroken as it does to all of us when we lose a special member of the family. It also left Mitzy very very quiet and subdued.  We helped to foster a couple of dogs over the next year and each time Mitzy seemed to brighten up. So we decided on 21 October 2017 to go to Passerelles Animal Rescue for a visit.

After a couple of walks up and down the cages looking at the sad faces and waggy tails we were drawn towards a beautiful brown dog who just kept staring at Brian and when he walked away she would almost bend her head around the cage to find him!

We asked her story; apparently, she had been found wandering on the streets of Caen, no chip, no collar. She was young, they thought maybe 10 months old no more, and they believed she was an English Bull Terrier Cross with a Rhodesian Ridgeback!  as we have had Bull breeds in the past, we thought why not? Plus she had that Lulu look about her with one ear up and one down and just an adorable face 🙂


As you can see by the picture, she came home with us. We decided to call her Bella. Mitzy wasn’t too sure when she came in the house and just kept grumbling at her and hiding behind me! Bella just sat next to Brian watching this strange little white dog and looking to him for assurance.


She wasn’t quite house trained…..that was a little tough but she got it quite quickly. She is a very intelligent young lady. She has watched Mitzy when we make her sit and give her paw and Bella was very quick to learn that she got treats doing that! She wasn’t so good at coming to her name, so Brian used a clicker – guess what? She soon caught on and again, that clicker meant treats 🙂 She could however jump! She cleared the gate once or twice and ran off down the road – we managed to tempt her back each time and that was why the garden fence got higher! We guess that’s probably how she ended up roaming the streets, but why did no-one ever claim her?

She didn’t know how to play, Mitzy soon taught her the hang of that one – so much so that Bella now drags her along the hallway when they share the ragga, or down the garden when they play with the football.  Mitzy is very very verbal. She sounds like she’s gonna rip your head off if you play with a ragga or if she chases Bella and they roll around but she’s just being lairy ( British slang for behaving in a loud excitable manner!)  Mitzys nickname is Lairy Mary!! They are now inseparable and it feels like Bella has been here forever.



We bought Bella her own bed to match Mitzys…she loved it…..until she decided she had to kill it 🙂 This is the Bull Terrier side 🙂Screenshot_20181021-150542.png

yeah, yeah I know…there was a spider right? It had to die before I came home…she was doing me a favour! lol. So anyway we got them different beds which they loved…..


But, now they are inseparable ….Mitzy and her Sister from another Mista! They go everywhere together. If I move Mitzy follows me, Bella follows Mitzy. If we go to take the washing out to the garden to hang it out, they are there like little robots without fail. They like to charge around the garden but only when we’re with them. If we sit in the garden they just wanna sit too….

Bella loves the cat – obviously, we didn’t know if she’d even seen one let alone like one. Her and Skittles are best buddies, Mitzy still gives Skittles the Elvis curled lip when he passes but Bella likes to lick him to death.


And now they all share a bed..even though they all have separate beds. And I love that. I love the fact they all feel comfortable enough around each other. I love watching Bella roll on her back in her sleep with all four feet in the air – she feels secure. She loves everybody, children and animals alike (and she loves the sun on her face). And I know she feels loved because she absolutely adores cuddles….. everybody loves Bella too.


I have hundreds of pictures – so I won’t bore you but I wanted to share this happy dog story…Happy Birthday Bella, may you have many many more. IMG_20180506_231715_576.jpg


It’s Sunday… just felt I should write something to maybe get people to reflect a little.

We have had a nice couple of days, talking, laughing and reminiscing with family. And I got to thinking quite deeply about life after seeing someone who has been diagnosed with Vascular dementia –  don’t worry I’m not gonna scare you all off with some deep and meaningful “What’s the meaning of life” speech 🙂

I put myself in their shoes and looked at the world differently and it made me sad to think how people are treated when people don’t take the time to stop and listen and look at things from a different perspective, that’s all.

I have had my own Mental Health demons in the past but I am lucky, and I know I am lucky. But I could not imagine the pain of trying to fight with the mind trying to remember things and people …it’s bad enough when I have a brain block (and yes I can hear my friend saying -“it’s your hormones! we’re at THAT time of life! – she knows who she is!)

sunset hands love woman
Photo by Stokpic on

Be Kind, for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about”


Quite a powerful statement don’t you think?  Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 🙂

Say Hello to Haroun

I’m dedicating this one to Amy :

Amy attended a Lycee Agricole (Agricultural University) for several years. She chose this particular Lycee as it had Stables and had Horse Husbandry and Riding etc as part of the curriculum and ever since she was little she has had a passion for the four-legged House …sorry – Horse 🙂

The Lycee would put “old”  horses out to retirement to their students if they felt they would give them a great retirement home. You know what’s coming next, don’t you?… You guessed it….”Mum, Dad, the horse I ride at Lycee needs a retirement home and they’ve said, as he adores me I’d be a good choice!”

Now, the brief history on H (his nickname) was that he was a champion French Trotter in his field (no pun intended) and after an unfortunate accident with his back legs couldn’t carry on. So he was nursed back to health and put into the Lycee Riding school for an easier life.


Amy’s first time on him was, in fact, a mistake! She was told to go and saddle up a particular horse and the description was the same as H as in colour and size but wasn’t H.

He wasn’t a good idea for anyone without serious horse experience. Amy saddled up the horse she thought she’d been told to get and was happily riding along with the group when the tutor suddenly looked at Amy and asked was she ok. Amy said she was fine. The tutor said is the horse behaving? Amy said yes why? She was then told that Haroun was a stubborn old boy who was unpredictable. The short version is, he adored Amy – their love was sealed from that day.



So, back to the question – “Can he come home?”. I said no, Dad said yes! I said I’d have nothing to do with him as I know nothing of horses except they are all shapes and sizes (Amy had had a couple of horses at Bel Air over the years but nothing as big as H) and I don’t ride them. My thing is cats and dogs. Haroun was the size of a house in my eyes.


Even if you’re not a horse person, you can see he was a stunning horse. And yes they were best buddies. He had such a character. He loved Amy taking selfies with him – it was hilarious, I swear that horse would actually pose with her 🙂 He was her confidant, when life got at her she’d go and talk to him. She always said she was better when she was with him.

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He was obstinate in my eyes! Amy would board at Lycee Monday to Friday and Brian and I would feed him. Would he come to see me? No. Would he move when told to so we could clean his stable? No. Would he come to the fence when called? No. So I nicknamed The Donkey. Amy said that wasn’t fair he was an ex-French Trotter, not a donkey – I said he behaves like a donkey, therefore, he must be one! It was all in jest of course. I actually fell in love with him – it was hard not to, and I too miss him.

Haroun led a charmed life with us and he moved to a friends field for a while when we moved house and no longer had a field for him. He lived with another horse called Jo for a while, and when it came time for him to move when Amy’s work and commitments didn’t allow her the time with him, he moved in with Cherie. Cherie looked like him and they bonded well and I was told he brought out the best in her and she finally came to her owner when called! Haroun must’ve learned in his old age 🙂



Haroun crossed to Rainbow Bridge November 2017, he was 22 years old. He had a fantastic life with us and with Jo and Cherie.

“Do not mourn my passing,

For if you could only see,

By slipping all my earthly bonds, I’m young again and free.

By Day I run the heavenly fields,

My body well and strong

At night I sleep at angels feet, lulled by celestial song.

So do not mourn my passing,

Just close your eyes, you’ll see,

I’m once again that gallant horse,

As you remember me.”

Author unknown.





Driving Donkeys

Today I found myself reminiscing over our donkey…I was reading something about events in France and a show is being held at the Haras du Pin here in France where normally its horses on show, but they are doing one on donkeys.

As I mentioned before, we started out here with a large property with land and lots of animals so this is an introduction to Maxou, our adolescent donkey. We knew nothing about donkeys but decided to give him a home when we went to see some Alpine you do! 🙂

We went to collect the Mummy goat and her two kids ( Poppet and Pumpkin – yep I was responsible for those names!) in our large van. Whilst there we were persuaded to give Maxou a home too but we weren’t sure how to transport him. The people we took him off said: “do what the French do, take him in the van and we’ll follow with the three goats in our van!” So, we did.

Driving along the D34, Maxou was fine in the back with Brian driving and Amy and I sat alongside. Five minutes from home, Mr Gendarme happened to be on the road. You need to picture this in your minds eye: We pulled over as instructed and Brian wound down the window to talk to said Gendarme, “Bonjour!” said Brian, Mr Gendarme stood close to the window and was about to say Bonjour back when Maxou decided to put his head over Brians’ shoulder and arrive face to face with Mr Gendarme! You can imagine the surprise on his face cant you!


“Monsieur! you ‘ave a donkeee in your camion!” (that was his best English accent!) Amy and I just sat giggling and Brian said: “Oh, where did he come from!”  After Mr Gendarme had recovered himself with Maxou still staring him out over Brians’ shoulder, he said: “you cannot transport animals in a camion like this, you must go ‘ome on the back roads”  At which point Maxou let out a very load eeyore noise! We said ok to Mr Gendarme and drove away very carefully watching him stand on the side of the road shaking his head.  I would love to have been a fly on his wall that night over his family dinner! “Crazy Engleesh people driving donkeees around in vans!” 🙂

The people in the other little van with the three goats got away without being stopped – can you imagine if he had stopped them too – he’d have thought he was on candid camera!

So, Maxou arrived along with the goats and Bel Air was alive with animal sounds. The goats were ok in with the sheep and Maxou had his own space in the field next to them.


It wasn’t long before Mummy goat got bored with the sheep and decided she wanted to torment Maxou! She would jump the fence, leaving Poppet and Pumpkin in with the sheep and get Maxou to chase her then pretend she was stuck in his field and needed rescuing! Poppet and Pumpkin would cry out to their Mummy and she would hide in Maxou’s stable – not sure if she was trying to get a break from them but she would never jump back immediately. Then one-day Poppet and Pumpkin decided to jump with mummy!

It came to a head when we thought Maxou was going to hurt her, he didn’t like sharing and would kick the stable. So we decided to intervene and help them out. Well, all I can say is Benny Hill would’ve have been proud of our little performance because that’s all it needed was the Benny Hill music…you know the one…..

Brian was trying to catch Maxou to hold him back whilst I got in to help Mummy goat back with the babies. Maxou didn’t want to be caught. So he went on the run. After several attempts and with me trying to coax the goats out with food, Brian had him. As soon as he saw the goats leave the stable he was off again – wanted to play chase. I stood back by the stable and Mum decided she was going to pick up the food bucket from the middle of the field and try and help. At the same time, Maxou ran past mum and kicked out – I swear he missed her head by inches….I’m shouting at Mum to leave the field and Amys outside the field shouting “catch him, dad!”  At this point, Maxou turned into Buckaroo, running around and kicking out – I too left the field. Brian decided to try then to tempt him with the food bucket as the goats appeared really stressed and we wanted to help them.

Maxou edged up to Brian with the food bucket and turned around and kicked out just missing Brian and started running. So in all the frustration, Brian threw the food bucket in the direction of Maxou (who had his back to him at that point) and Maxou just kicked out and hit the bucket straight back at Brian!!! OMG I was crying with laughter as was Amy. At that point, the goats jumped the fence back into their own field!!!!! Would you believe it! I can’t repeat what Brian said but you can imagine cant you?

From that day on, whenever the goats jumped out, they were left to their own devices, and do you know what? They survived! So much for us soppy idiots trying to help them!

There’ll be more stories to come but that sprung to mind today – I hope I’ve made you smile today 🙂